Pär Alster
Pär Alster is a retoucher and colourist based in Amsterdam.
He started his professional career in Stockholm where he worked with both pre-press and photo assisting. The combination of the two is what later shaped him into a retoucher with an interest for both the technical and visual part of post production. His practice then developed into a love for compositing and complex retouching, a field in which he now has over ten years of experience. Over the last few years he also added video grading to his palette.
He always strives for unnoticeable yet powerful changes.
He started his professional career in Stockholm where he worked with both pre-press and photo assisting. The combination of the two is what later shaped him into a retoucher with an interest for both the technical and visual part of post production. His practice then developed into a love for compositing and complex retouching, a field in which he now has over ten years of experience. Over the last few years he also added video grading to his palette.
He always strives for unnoticeable yet powerful changes.

UNDER ARMOUR by luca sage

HARPER'S BAZAAR by petrovsky & ramone for reyes imaging

ADIDAS by oof verschuren

UNDER ARMOUR by luca sage

UNDER ARMOUR by martin wichardt

LOOP by marcus askelöf

GOOGLE by masha osipova

UNDER ARMOUR by martin wichardt

VIVO by hey honey

UNDER ARMOUR by martin wichardt

IDEAL OF SWEDEN by teitur ardal

ADIDAS by oof verschuren

UNDER ARMOUR by martin wichardt

IDEAL OF SWEDEN by teitur ardal

BEPANTHEN by adam klingeteg

ANI by marcus askelöf

UNDER ARMOUR by luca sage

UNDER ARMOUR by luca sage

ANI by marcus askelöf

VIMLA by felix swensson

KOMMUNAL by marcus askelöf

UNDER ARMOUR by martin wichardt

LOOP by marcus askelöf

HARPER'S BAZAAR by petrovsky & ramone for reyes imaging

UNDER ARMOUR by luca sage